Saturday, April 07, 2007

Because Appple's GarageBand makes making crappy ambient music way too easy and because it's cold outside and I had nothing better to do, I present to you my musical tribute to Neil LaBute's The Wicker Man. My apologies in advance especially since, with the help of Apple's pre-made loops, the beat's all mine this time.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I curate the Videocracy section over at A.V. Club central, which means wading through a lot of not-so-great clips, many of which seem like they're trying to be funny. Whenever anything from VH1's Acceptable TV shows up it's a cause for celebration. The show's clips can be watched on VH1 (for traditionalists) or on the website (for Gen Z) types. Or you can sample one right here, just because I said so.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I spent some time this weekend browsing a record store I'd previously underrated--Lincoln Square's Laurie's Planet Of Sound--while hanging out with some old college friends. Browsing the country section I came across two albums by Stella Parton, the younger sister I never knew Dolly Parton had. Turns out she had a low-key country career in the late-'70s, scoring a couple of country hits but never quite emerging from her sister's shadow despite an appearance on The Dukes Of Hazzard. Today she enjoys a gospel career, which you can read all about at her website.

I Want To Hold You In My Dreams is her first non-gospel album and it's not bad, either. Released on her own Country Soul label, it features a number of original compositions sung in a pleasant voice that sounds more than a little like her sisters. And that's probably why I never heard of Stella Parton. There's plenty here to like but nothing that her sister doesn't do better. (And am I wrong or is that Dolly in the background on some of these songs?)

But, putting Dolly aside, this is worth a listen. The title track--the hit--is achingly sincere (I'm a sucker for a good spoken-word passage) and there's an odd little song about Olivia Newton John called "Ode To Olivia," defending her against country purists who didn't like the Australian's inroads into "their" music. And you have to have respect for anyone who cuts a song called "Long Legged Truck Drivers," a raucous declaration of tha narrator's inability not to give it up for any trucker that passes her way.

Monday, April 02, 2007

This might be the stupidest way I've ever spent half an hour. I'm teaching myself to use GarageBand while putting together a draft of a possible podcast. This, of course, yielded a remix of Aphex Twin's ambient classic "Cliffs" with soundclips from The Reaping, a movie I want to see for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy?