THE FACEBOOK AD-BOT KNOWS ME SO WELL Yes! So very tired of waxing. That's me.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
NOT ON DVD, NOT IN THEATERS, NOT ON TELEVISION Assembling next week's Inventory feature made wish, once again, I could see Thom Andersen's documentary Los Angeles Plays Itself, especially when I found an excerpt from this reputedly excellent, three-hour look at depictions of L.A. as created by L.A.'s most famous industry on YouTube.
I'm a pop culture-focused critic and editor who's written thousands of reviews and edited many more. If you've read me, it was probably in The A.V. Club, the entertainment section of The Onion. If not, for goodness sake, go there now. It's awesome.
I live in Andersonville, a neighborhood on the north side of Chicago, with my lovely wife, our cat, and an overactive dog.