Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I've got a piece on The Price Is Right up on Slate today. It's a show that brings back fond memories of childhood and of misspent dorm hours. Here's an amusing clip I didn't find a way to include. It pretty much speaks for itself:

So close!


Noel Murray said...

One of the most annoying things about those Final Week shows on the DVD set is how obnoxious the college kids are, treating the whole experience as one big ironic joke. I want to punch them hard and knock their ballcaps off.

Nice job on the SLATE piece, by the way.

Eric Grubbs said...

I forwarded this to a friend who still loves The Price is Right. We had a fantasy party at our house a few years ago and she showed up as a PIR contestant.

Keith Phipps said...

Noel: When it comes to game show writing you will always be il miglio fabbro. I was just trying to do right by you when I wrote it.